What’s next…?

This is a very personal blog post. About… Well, health and life. Just the small things you know XD

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A question we’ve all heard endless time, right? When I was a little girl my response would be circus princess. Then florist. For many years I wanted to be an actress. Until I realised gosh, I have to learn how to remember all of those lines. I can’t do that. And I can’t become a florist because… well I suck at creating bouquets. I can’t even braid my hair as well as all the other girls. So after a wee bit of rethinking, I then wanted to become a marine biologist. Travel the world under the sea, see wonders of the world most people can’t even dream about. AND study sharks. An animal that I’ve always been incredibly fascinated by. But hey, wait I can’t do that either because you need this and that A-level and certificate and blah blah.

I then came across an advert for a creative school. Creative – check. Don’t read too many books – check. Sounds cool – check. Other people keep telling me this is my path – check. Do I want to do this for MYSELF? Ehh… Yes and no. I’ve been working in the creative design/marketing field for the last 9 years. And I love it. However, there’s always been something missing. Something that wasn’t quite right. It took me many years and a couple of very bad job experiences to figure out just WHAT it was.

Mental health and cooking

Towards the end of 2018, I started getting really bad. My mood was at a low point all the time, I’d cry for no reason, I’d get severe panic attacks, I’d snap, I’d question myself and my existence etc. etc. I had no clue what was going on but I realised something had to change. I quit my job and took the time to focus on myself. Something I’ve never really done before. My point with all the listed “dream jobs” mentioned earlier wasn’t about the number of different things, no I’m a big advocate for trying things and to always keep going. No, this was about all of the things I thought I wanted to become was based on what OTHER people seemed to like at the time. It wasn’t what I truly wanted. Which brings me up to today.

Creative cooking

I took the time I needed. I started to look inwards instead of outwards. I realised one common thing in my entire life: whenever I felt down I’d go into the kitchen. I’ve always been creative and my career has always also been creative but I haven’t been focusing on the right things. Therefore I started on a professional cookery course. Not because I want to become a chef (I know that for sure) but because I love cooking. I love creating and developing recipes. I was 8 or 9 when I created my first recipe (which I still make from time to time) and I have my own cookbook which I sort of crafted myself as well. This is also the whole reason why I started this food blog. I want to share my passion for (healthy) food and to show and inspire other people to give up on the Tuesday-meatball routine. (an expression I use to describe a very mundane and fixed life) Life’s simply too short =)

I can keep going on this subject and I’m sure it’s not the last one I write I just thought it was about time you got to know me a little better.


2 responses to “What’s next…?”

  1. Godt skrevet søde Malou.. 😘 Du gør det godt, og ved du hvad? Du er allerede en stjerne.. 🤩🤩🤩 Godt gået og jeg glæder mig til at følge din rejse.. 😘

    Lasse Mark

    • Tak min godeste <3 Du er nu altså bare én denne verden kunne bruge flere af =) Dejligt du vil følge med! X

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