This little vitamin boost of a smoothie will fill you right up with vitamins and fibre which are excellent to start the day with/get you through until lunchtime.

Acai berries contain amino acids which help promote muscle performance, energy production, endurance and strength. Acai berries contain as much vitamin C as blueberries and is also a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. It is also a source of calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.
Passion fruit is despite its size full of goodies. It’s high in A and C vitamins, a good source of fibre and rich in antioxidants.
Blood oranges are, hence the name, red inside with a reddish-orange outer peel. The red colour comes from anthocyanins, the same element that makes blackberries blue/black and red cabbage red. Anthocyanins are not only pigments but powerful antioxidants which we just can’t get enough of.
Peaches are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. So many I hardly know where to start. A, B, C, E and K are just some of the many vitamins. Other than these, they’re rich in fibre and potassium which helps your digestion.

Bananas. we all know bananas. An excellent snack throughout the whole day. Bananas rank low to medium on the glycemic index (the so-called GI-index) meaning they won’t cause your blood sugar to spike. Meaning: bananas can help moderate blood sugar levels after meals and may reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying.
Vitamin Rich Peachy Smoothie

- 1 blood orange
- 2 handful frozen banana, cut into pieces
- 1 peach
- 1 passion fruit
- 1 cup brewed green tea* ((I used one with quince but you can use whatever mild flavour you'd like))
- 2 tbsp coconut yoghurt
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1 tbsp acai berry powder
- A big sprinkle of coconut flakes/shredded coconut
Easy peachy.
Simply mix it all and blend well in a blender.
* Let the tea cool down slightly before adding it to the mix to avoid a, a boiling hot smoothie. And b, hot liquids can create pressure in a blender and "explode".
Serve in tall glasses with ice or alternatively pour into clean, rinsed bottles and keep in the fridge for up to 48 hours. Perfect on the go as well.